
Buck is  a brave, loyal dog. He is the smallest dog in the group or pack, he only weight 140 lbs. He is protecting the judge. But they kidnapped him and the judge, so he is trying to escape. They put a them on a bag and tied them up. But put buck in a cage. Then they keep torturing Buck but the mock, him and poke him with sticks and don’t feed him.

They the feed the angry he gets and more he looks scary. He got skinny and his eyes are. He is trying protect himself because he only realizes that just him and people that kidnapped. Know there boss came out with an ax, he try to hit with but he was barking aggressive. Then he grabbed the ax.


School Clubs

Imagine going through the school year feel like being part of the community. Do you really want go through the whole year with no friends to talk to or hang out with? You want to have friends and want to be part of the community and school , also have friends here why.

School clubs are fun, entertaining. Ever since people been to Blackhawk. Kids are doing football, basketball, volley ball, track, Cross Country, Wrestling also lacrosse. Blackhawk is known for their sports. Some people don’t like to express themselves, but they always encourage. Football is the main sport, for Blackhawk, the football players were excited and nervous.

The practices were really hard , because kids were grunting, hustling after the football, also cracks were heard from the helmets and pads. The colors of the jersey red, white, blue. The numbers are blue, pads are blue. Jersey are all white and the red is around the blue numbers. students look bigger stronger and taller. Cleats pushing into the ground while the dirt coming out the grass as the kick off and running after the ball.

While breaking down ready to tackle. While football goes on the cross country team running with efforts. And when they win the smile on their faces cheese in with excitement. Its is important to be part of an after school activities. You get to communicate with people and make friends too. In Children development institute it states that after school programs develop skills and talent that has been ignored by regular schools. Also it states,” The most important advantage of a good after school program is that it widens your child’s area of interests.

In United States Census 52% of kids between 6-17 years old participate in at least one after school extracurricular activity. Also most people join because to reduce weight and stay healthy. Also keeps kids and parents busy throughout the year. Playing sports, drama, etc. keeps kids thinking more outside the box and concentrate better. Also when kids react with after school programs it will have a better relationship with teachers and adults.

In the article it states that,” kids she be force to sports after school activities.” Also it was stating that, “IPPR said that the best way – outside the family – for children to learn the behavioral and emotional skills they need was to engage in purposeful activities – in particular if these are mentored by adults and involve working towards specific goals through clubs such as drama and sports. This is why you should do after school programs.

From <https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2014/cb14-224.html>



School Clubs

School Clubs

Monday, September 11, 2017
10:23 PM

School clubs are fun, entertaining. Ever since people been to Blackhawk. Kids are doing football, basketball, volley ball, track, Cross Country, Wrestling also lacrosse. Blackhawk is known for their sports. Some people don’t like to express themselves, but they always encourage. Football is the main sport, for Blackhawk, the football players were excited and nervous.

The practices were really hard , because kids were grunting, hustling after the football, also cracks were heard from the helmets and paids. The colors of the jersey red, white, blue. The numbers are blue, pads are blue. Jersey are all white and the red is around the blue numbers. students look bigger stronger and taller. Cleats pushing into the ground while the dirt coming out the grass as the kick off and running after the ball.

While breaking down ready to tackle. While football goes on the cross country team running with efforts.


During first period in Mr.Hoering class, he was making such a big deal to tell what Mrs. Oaks was about to tell us. So after the class got dine got reading, Mr.Hoering opened up the wall between us and Mrs. Godfrey. So when the walls opened up the wall Mrs. Oaks came in. She asked the whole 60-70 kids, what color the flyer should be, black or white or color. Everybody start laughing because Mr.Hoering was  making such a bid deal about what she was about to tell the class. Then she said,” because after labor day we are starting to wear uniforms”. The whole class went crazy and tremendously loud.

Everybody was asking why they need uniforms she answer back, she said” it makes people concentrate and work better rather than worrying about other people clothes. That made the class worse because it didn’t make sense at all. I heard people say” that dressing the way you want express your self” and that is an amendment of the constitution. Also how about parents who bought clothes that they were expressing. eventually Mrs. Oaks left the room but the kids kept on arguing and people wouldn’t listen or do there work they was supposed to. Mr.Hoering could take it so he told them,” it is a prank it was just experiment how u fell only for language arts.” That made things worse, people were questioning what the have been teaching them over the years and who decide to make this up.

So he told them to write about what just happened. So when they got done reading Mr.Hoering was explaining not to tell anyone because he wants the same reaction. But people still hyped everything up and saying, “You want like this period,” and you will be so mad and angry that you want to go to lane. So if you are in advance language arts this what happens to you.